Visit of the UN Women Executive Board to the Ukrainian Women’s Guard Hub in Borodyanka

On May 21, a delegation of the UN Women Executive Board visited Borodianka (Kyiv region).


The delegation came to meet with the staff and leadership of the Ukrainian Women’s Guard, to talk personally about the organization’s activities and discuss current and future projects. The members of the delegation were given a tour and presented the activities of the newly rebuilt UWG HUB Borodianka (a center for women in Borodіanka community).


Olena Biletska, Head of the Ukrainian Women’s Guard (UWG) introduced the guests to the organization and the UWG HUB, presenting the space that had been formed and equipped to meet the needs of the women of the Borodianka community, and introduced them to UWG team and partners from Borodianka


The Executive Board of UN Women was represented by:


H.E. Andreas von Uexküll, Vice-President UN Women (representing the Western European Group), Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative of Sweden to UN

H.E. Halley Christine Yapi Nee Bah, Vice-President UN Women (representing the Africa Group), Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative of Cote d’Ivoire to UN

Ms. Joanna Skoczek, Vice-President UN Women (representing the Eastern European Group), Deputy Permanent Representative of Poland to UN

Mr. Mohammed Smesem, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Sweden to UN

Ms. Iwona Lula, Poland Mission, Third Secretary at Poland Mission to UN

Ms. Anne-Claire Blok, Intergovernmental Specialist, UN Women

Mr. Jean-Luc Bories, Secretary of UN Women Executive Board

Mr. Alexander Mcdonnell, Consultant UN Women


UN Women Participants in Ukraine:

Ms. Belen Sanz Luque, Regional Director, UN Women Europe and Central Asia Region

Ms. Julia Broussard, Deputy Representative, UN Women in Ukraine

Ms. Tetiana Kudina, Head of Programmes, UN Women in Ukraine

Ms. Olha Reblian, Programme Specialist, UN Women in Ukraine

Ms. Anna Serdyuk, Communication and Advocacy Analyst UN Women in Ukraine

Ms. Olga Lishyk, Project Analyst UN Women in Ukraine

Ms. Linda Aitio, Programme Specialist UN Women in Ukraine


The guests listened to the stories of people who survived the occupation in Borodyanka, when the Russian enemy was marching to the borders of the capital of Ukraine – Kyiv, and talked to local women, the deputy village head, the chief doctor of the Borodyanka Hospital, the director of the Myrchany gymnasium, etc.  Local community members shared their stories of survival and resistance to the enemy. The book “Living Stories of War” by Olha Feshchenko (a resident of Borodyanka) was also presented.


The meeting at the UWG HUB Borodianka was attended by UWG and community activists and representatives of local authorities:

Mr. Klevchuk Serhiy, Deputy Mayor of Borodianka.

Mr. Ihor Chebyshev, Chief Doctor of Borodianka Hospital

Ms. Nina Zelinska (described her own story of evacuation from Borodianka through Chernobyl, Belarus, Poland and the terrible intentions of the Russians to shoot her and her grandchildren (2 and 11 years old)


Ms. Galyna Samchenko and Ms. Yulia Korotka (mother and sister of Azovstal defender and POW who has been in кussian captivity for two years

Ms. Tatiana Patlay (russians killed her son)

Ms. Natalia Krytska, director of School in Myrcha village near Borodianka (told about her experience of surviving together with school children during the occupation)

Olha Feshchenko, co-founder of the Charitable Foundation “Amulet of Revival” (author of the project “Living Stories of War”)

Photo of UWG: Executive Council of UN-Women in Borodyanka in UWG HAB (Ukrainian Women’s Watch NGO).
Photo of UWG: Executive Council of UN-Women in Borodyanka in UWG HAB (Ukrainian Women’s Watch NGO).
Photo of UWG: Executive Council of UN-Women in Borodyanka in UWG HAB (Ukrainian Women’s Watch NGO).
Photo of UWG: Executive Council of UN-Women in Borodyanka in UWG HAB (Ukrainian Women’s Watch NGO).
Photo of UWG: Executive Council of UN-Women in Borodyanka in UWG HAB (Ukrainian Women’s Watch NGO).
Photo of UWG: Executive Council of UN-Women in Borodyanka in UWG HAB (Ukrainian Women’s Watch NGO).
Photo of UWG: Executive Council of UN-Women in Borodyanka in UWG HAB (Ukrainian Women’s Watch NGO). In the photo Linda Aitio (Linda Aitio), Program Specialist of UN Women and Olena Biletska, Chairwoman of the UWG
Photo of UWG: Executive Council of UN-Women in Borodyanka in UWG HAB (Ukrainian Women’s Watch NGO)
Photo of UWG: Executive Council of UN-Women in Borodyanka in UWG HAB (Ukrainian Women’s Watch NGO)
Photo of UWG: Executive Council of UN-Women in Borodyanka in UWG HAB (Ukrainian Women’s Watch NGO)
Photo of UWG: Executive Council of UN-Women in Borodyanka in UZHV HAB (Ukrainian Women’s Watch NGO). In the photo, H.E. Mr. Andreas von Uexküll (J.V. Andreas von Uexküll), and Daryna Tkachenko, member and instructor of UWG
Photo of UWG: Executive Council of UN-Women in Borodyanka in UWG HAB (Ukrainian Women’s Watch NGO)
Photo of UWG: Executive Council of UN-Women in Borodyanka in UWG HAB (Ukrainian Women’s Watch NGO). Yuliya and Galina Korotki and Olga Feshchenko, author of the project “Living War Stories” (an asset of the Borodyanka Youth Association)
Photo of UWG: Executive Council of UN-Women in Borodyanka in UWG HAB (Ukrainian Women’s Watch NGO)
Photo of UWG: Executive Council of UN-Women in Borodyanka in UWG HAB (Ukrainian Women’s Watch NGO)
Photo of UWG: Executive Council of UN-Women in Borodyanka in UWG HAB (Ukrainian Women’s Watch NGO)


Ukrainian Women’s Guard


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