War in Ukraine today: latest news, 29 June, 2024 (photo)

It has been the 857th day of the Ukrainian resistance to the russian military aggression. 

What happened in Ukraine today:

Here is operational information of the General Staff as of 7 pm:   

On 29 June, the russian aggressor continues to attack in several directions, most actively towards Pokrovsk and Kharkiv. Ukrainian defenders are firmly holding the line. The total number of enemy attacks along the entire front line increased to 90.

Towards Kharkiv, the occupiers continue to attack in the vicinity of Vovchansk. Currently, the enemy is trying to improve its own positions, eight attacks were repulsed. As a result, the invaders lost 127 people killed and wounded. In addition, Ukrainian soldiers destroyed 26 UAVs, an armoured vehicle, an artillery system, ten cars and a unit of special equipment. Two enemy guns, four cars and two units of special equipment were damaged, in particular, the enemy’s electronic warfare station.

Towards Kupiansk, the occupiers slightly increased their activity in the vicinity of Stelmakhivka and Synkivka. The total number of attacks was four.

Towards Kramatorsk, fighting continues in the vicinity of Chasiv Yar.

Towards Pokrovsk, clashes of varying intensity took place 28 times today. Currently, 12 of them are ongoing in the vicinity of Novooleksandrivka, Vozdvyzhenka, Yevhenivka, Novoselivka Persha and Progres. The enemy lost 252 servicemen killed and wounded and irretrievably BM-21 Grad MLRS. The counting is ongoing.

Towards Kurakhove, the russian army tried to seize Ukrainian positions eight times. Currently, they are still attacking in two areas near Krasnohorivka.

Towards Vremivka, the number of enemy assaults increased to seven.

Fighting continues near Kostiantynivka. 

In other areas, the situation has not changed significantly.

The defense forces continue to repel the enemy and inflict losses on the entire front line and in the rear.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy reports that another 10 people were returned from russian captivity. Among them are Nariman Dzhelial, captured in Crimea back in 2021, civilians Olena Pekh and Valerii Matiushchenko, who were in captivity from 2017-2018, priests of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Bohdan Haleta and Ivan Levitskyi, captured in Berdiansk for resisting the occupiers, as well as 5 more civilians who were captured on the territory of Belarus and deprived of their freedom: Mykola Shvets, Natalia Zakharenko, Pavlo Kuprienko, Liudmila Honcharenko and Kateryna Briukhanova.

DTEK informs that all damaged power plants are subject to restoration, but it will take years. The russians attacked DTEK’s thermal power plants more than 180 times, a total of 90% of capacity was lost.

Recent war events in the east of Ukraine

Kharkiv oblast

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported the situation as of 7pm saying that russians are making two attempts to improve their positions near Vovchansk, losing 127 servicemen over the day.

The Khortytsia operational-strategic group reported that yesterday there were 163 battles in the eastern sector, 4,050 attacks on Ukrainian troops’ positions, 88 air strikes, and 150 guided bombs dropped.

Oleh Syniehubov, Head of the RMA, informed that today the Defence Forces shot down three enemy ZALA unmanned aerial vehicles over Kharkiv oblast.

At 7:50am, the invaders made another hostile attack on the territory of Kupiansk Vuzlovyi. The enemy hit the local cemetery with cluster munitions. A 70-year-old woman was injured and hospitalised.

At 10:15am, the invaders shelled Odnorobivka village by artillery. As a result of a direct hit, the administrative building of an agricultural enterprise and a shop were damaged. There were no casualties. The enemy has been shelling this settlement for four days in a row.

Oleksandr Kulik, Spokesman of the City Military Administration, stated that the invaders attacked Derhachi, Kharkiv region. At the moment, three victims are known: a 71-year-old woman (acute stress reaction) and a 75-year-old man (explosive wound). A 68-year-old man was also injured. At least 10 households and one civilian enterprise were damaged. Viacheslav Zadorenko, Head of the CMA, said that 4 russian air bombs hit Derhachi, the most massive strike on the city since 2022. In addition to three people, pets were injured. At least three five-storey buildings, two two-storey buildings and 20 private houses were damaged, as well as outbuildings, a garage cooperative and cars of locals, and one of the civilian enterprises. Power lines were partially destroyed.

At 6am, Bohuslavka village  of Borova community,  Izium region, was hit. A private household was damaged as a result of the shelling by KAB.

At 5am, Darvina street in Kupiansk-Vuzlovyi village, Kupiansk region, was shelled. The shelling damaged the building of the House of Science and Technology and a kindergarten.

Yesterday at 8pm, Mytrofanivka village of Dvorichna community, Kupiansk region, was shelled. A farm and agricultural machinery were damaged as a result of shelling from multiple rocket launchers.

At 4:30pm, Bilyi Kolodiaz village of Vovchansk community, Chuhuiv region was targeted. A woman was injured as a result of the enemy shelling.

At 4:20pm, Tsyrkuny village was hit. As a result of the shelling by the KAB, the building of the enterprise, a car, private houses were damaged. 8 people were injured.

At 9am, Varvarivka village of Vovchansk community, Chuhuiv region  was shelled. A woman was killed as a result of the shelling by the KAB.

Yesterday at 8:30am, Petro-Ivanivka village of Dvorichna community, Kupiansk region, was shelled. The shelling damaged a house.

Towards Kharkiv, the invaders attacked 12 times near Vovchansk during the day with the support of aviation. The Armed Forces of Ukraine successfully repelled 10 enemy assaults, two more combat engagements are currently ongoing. The situation is under control.

Towards Kupiansk, the enemy made 9 attempts to push our units back from their positions near Synkivka, Stepova Novoselivka, Stelmakhivka and Kruhliakivka. Ukrainian troops repelled 8 enemy attacks. The battle near Synkivka continues.

Donetsk oblast

Olena Pekh, an art historian and researcher at the Horlivka Art Museum, and Valerii Matiushenko, an entrepreneur from Donetsk oblast, have been returned from russian captivity. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced the return of 10 prisoners, including two residents of Donetsk oblast. Olena Pekh had been held captive since 2018 and Valerii Matiushenko since 2017.

The General Staff said in a morning report that the Armed Forces of Ukraine inflicted losses to russians towards Kurakhove direction of defence. Since the beginning of the day, russia has been storming near Paraskoviivka and Kostiantynivka village. 

The russian invaders are also active towards Toretsk and Pokrovsk, with a total of seven combat engagements taking place there.  

The General Staff said that since the beginning of the day, almost 30% of the fighting on the frontline of the russian-Ukrainian war happened towards Pokrovsk. There have already been 13 combat engagements in this area of the frontline and Ukrainian troops repelled 8 attacks. Fighting continues near Novooleksandrivka, Vozdvyzhenka and Prohres.

The National Guard shot down a russian Su-25, also known as Hrach (Rook). The NGU reported that the aircraft was conducting a combat mission.

For the second time today, Kurakhivka was under enemy attack in the morning, injuring 1 person. Both wounded were taken to hospital.

Also, the private sector of Kurakhove was shelled and 1 person was injured there.

Vadym Liakh, Head of Sloviansk CMA, informed that in addition, according to preliminary information, 1 person was killed and 1 injured in Sloviansk. Two russian strikes in Sloviansk targeted the Slavkurort neighbourhood.

The exact consequences of this evening shelling are being established.

The operational situation in the oblast as of the morning of 29 June is as follows:

Pokrovsk region. A house was destroyed in Kurakhove community. The outskirts of Marinka, Ocheretyne and Hrodivka communities were shelled.

Kramatorsk region. A person was injured in Zarichne of Lyman community. A house was damaged again in Podilske of Konstiantynivka community.

Bakhmut region. In Niu-York of Toretsk community, 4 people were killed and 5 injured, 5 houses were damaged. In Chasiv Yar community, 12 private houses, 4 apartment buildings and 2 non-residential premises were damaged. In Siversk, 1 house was destroyed and 2 damaged.

In total, russians attacked settlements in Donetsk oblast 13 times over the day. 453 people, including 55 children, were evacuated from the frontline.

Vadym Filashkin, Head of Donetsk Regional Military Administration, reported that yesterday 4 residents were killed in Niu-York. Another 6 people were injured in the oblast over the day. Today 3 people were killed and 4 injured in the morning shelling.

Two settlements of Lyman community were under attack: in Zarichne, russians killed three people, and in Torske, they injured one person. Two people in Niu-York of Toretsk community and another person in Kurakhivka were injured.

Luhansk oblast

The front-line Nevske is suffering from shelling from all types of weapons available to the russians in this area of the front. The village is hit every day with artillery, mortars, and Grads. The past day was no exception. Two airstrikes were carried out in the vicinity of the settlement. People almost do not risk leaving their homes, yet they are in no hurry to leave.

The russian invaders also fired artillery and mortars at Makiivka, Stelmakhivka and Kuzemivka.

The enemy attacked in the vicinity of Stelmakhivka, Hrekivka, Makiivka, Nevske, in Bilohorivka, in Serebrianka forest. Measures are being taken to prevent the advance of the occupiers deep into the territory. Enemy aircraft are intensively used against settlements and positions of Ukrainian troops.

The previous losses of the aggressor towards Lyman amounted to 90 people killed and wounded, five dugouts and one ammunition depot were destroyed. Towards Siversk, 63 occupiers were eliminated, two tanks, six armoured combat vehicles, a self-propelled artillery unit and a car were burned.

During the assaults in the spring of 2022, the russians almost completely destroyed the southern part of Rubizhne, where only some houses remained more or less intact. The people who stayed there have been living without electricity and water for three years.

Artem Lysohor, Head of Luhansk Regional Military Administration, says that every six months, russian authorities declare their intention to start the construction of six landfills on the territory of the so-called “luhansk people’s republic.” Waste will be brought there from the cities and villages of the “republic” and neighboring regions of the russian federation so as not to spoil the environment for the russians. From Novosibirsk, 3500 km away, to a settlement in Luhansk oblast, equipment was delivered, which is engaged in compacting garbage at this landfill.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy awarded Kyrylo Chumachenko, border guard of Luhansk detachment, with the Cross of Military Merit. Kyrylo was awarded for his feat in battle near the village of Kurdiumivka. He destroyed the russian patrol with a sniper rifle, thanks to which it was possible to get closer and start the battle. The russian occupiers then retreated.

What is happening now in the north of Ukraine

Kyiv oblast

A prayer breakfast was held in Kyiv. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and representatives of all religious denominations and churches, including priests of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Bohdan Heleta and Ivan Levytskyi, who were released from eussian captivity the day before were present at the event.

Ruslan Kravchenko, Head of Kyiv Regional Military Administration, reports that  Slovenian President Natasha Pirc Musar visited Kyiv oblast on June 28. She visited Bucha’s mass burial of civilians killed by the russian military during the occupation of the city, near the Church of St. Andrew the Apostle. 

Currently, more than 1280 shelters have been set up in educational institutions of Kyiv oblast. During 2022-2024, shelters were set up in almost 900 educational institutions. The construction of shelters in 18 schools and kindergartens continues, repairs are underway in 12 educational institutions. The RMA reported that modular shelters will be installed in 4 more schools and kindergartens.

The delegation of Kyiv oblast presented the needs of the region’s medical industry at ReВuild Ukraine: Health and Rehabilitation in Poland. Representatives of the region held more than 30 meetings regarding restoration and development of the medical industry. With international organizations, they discussed the supply of medical equipment to medical institutions in the region, as well as the issue of rehabilitation. At the event, a project to modernize Kyiv Regional Center for Rehabilitation Medicine was presented.

In the capital, Kyiv City State Administration opened an exhibition of paintings created by veterans. Painting lessons for the defenders of Azovstal, former prisoners of Olenivka, and soldiers with complex contusions and neurological complications were conducted by the artist Chepurna. Thus, the veterans were able to restore their physical and emotional state during rehabilitation. The exhibition will be open until July 12, admission is free.

Zhytomyr oblast

The Department for the Execution of Criminal Sentences of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine reports that as of June 27, 2024, 356 convicts who were enlisted for contract service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine were released from penitentiary institutions in Zhytomyr oblast. The convicts want to defend the country and meet the requirements for military service under contract.

Aid of more than 30 thousand dollars was delivered to Ukraine by American women from the state of California – Elena Svetlov and Catherine Rhodes. Medical equipment, household appliances and medicines worth more than UAH 800K were brought to Zhytomyr military hospital. Animal feed and medicines were handed over to animal volunteers from Kherson. Olena Svetlov, who started fundraising, was born in Zhytomyr and has been living in America for more than 20 years. Together with Catherine Rhodes, they created a fund to help Ukraine.

According to Zhytomyr Regional Military Administration, defenders from the 115th Brigade received a Volkswagen Transporter minibus, which was purchased thanks to volunteers of the PREY FO UKRAINE charitable foundation. The vehicles have been serviced and are ready to help soldiers defend Ukraine on the front line.

Sumy oblast

In the morning, the aggressor country shelled one of the border settlements of Shostka region from their territory. According to the State Emergency Service of Sumy oblast, a fire broke out in the residential sector as a result of an enemy strike. In the burning house, there was an owner on whom a damaged wooden ceiling fell. Rescuers managed to unblock the man and save his life.

On the night and morning of June 29, the russians carried out 2 attacks on the border areas and settlements of Sumy oblast. There were 22 explosions from artillery. According to Sumy Regional Military Administration, Mykolaivka (1 explosion) and Esman (21 explosions) communities were shelled.

The police of Sumy oblast reports that on June 28, russian troops hit a police car with an FPV drone in Shostka region. As a result of a direct hit, a service car was completely destroyed and a local resident who was passing by was injured.

russian military attacked a police car with an FPV drone. Sumy oblast, Shostka region, June 28, 2024. Photo: National Police

Sumy Regional Military Administration informs that over the past day, the russian military carried out 36 attacks on Sumy oblast – there were 131 explosions. 10 border communities were shelled: Khotyn, Yunakivka, Bilopillia, Krasnopillia, Velyka Pysarivka, Nova Sloboda, Esman, Shalyhine, Seredyna-Buda, Znob-Novhorodske. The enemy struck with mortars and artillery, and used FPV drones. In addition, from the territory of the russian federation, the enemy launched 16 NAR missiles from a helicopter on the territory of Velyka Pysarivka community.

As a result of the shelling of Znob-Novhorodske community on June 28, one civilian was injured. The RMA reported that the enemy shelled the community with artillery (2 explosions), mortars (18 explosions), and fired using FPV drones (5 explosions).

On June 29, the russian army shelled 22 settlements in the Sumy region. According to the North Operational Command, as a result of enemy strikes, a critical infrastructure facility in Shostka region in Znob-Novhorodske was damaged (24 explosions were heard from a mortar and a kamikaze drone). A civilian was injured as a result of a russian kamikaze drone hit Znob-Trubchevsk. A private house in the village of Basivka, Sumy region, and a private house in Boiaro-Lezhachi, Konotop region, were damaged.

Chernihiv oblast

According to the State Border Guard Service, russian troops struck in the vicinity of 6 border settlements of Chernihiv oblast. There were 42 explosions. Three communities were under enemy fire: Semenivka – 18 strikes from barrel artillery, mortars and explosive ordnance drops from UAVs; Snovsk – 9 hits from barrel artillery and drops of explosive ammunition from UAVs; and Novhorod-Siverskyi – 14 strikes from mortars, FPV drones and automatic grenade launchers.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced that Natalia Zakharenko from Chernihiv, who was accused of espionage in Belarus and sentenced to nine years in prison, was returned during the last exchange of prisoners. A total of 10 civilians were released.

On June 27, in Koriukivka, the residents paid tribute to choreographer Anton Smetskyi, who stood up for Ukraine after the start of the full-scale invasion. In August 2023, the man was wounded and lost his leg, but returned to the front. He was killed on 22 June, 2024, while performing a combat mission in Kharkiv oblast. He was 38 years old. Anton was born in Donetsk, lived in Kyiv oblast, worked with various Ukrainian artists and had his own show ballet.

Chernihivoblenergo JSC reported that from 29 June, new three-by-three hourly blackout schedules will be introduced in Chernihiv oblast: people will be without electricity for three hours, and electricity will be available for three hours. If earlier consumers could be disconnected for six hours in a row, now the interval without electricity supply will be a maximum of three hours.

Recent events in the central regions of Ukraine

Dnipropetrovsk oblast

Mykola Lukashuk, Head of Dnipro Oblast Council, reported that an enemy Shaheed was shot down over Kryvyi Rih region at night. 

One person was killed and 12 people wounded, including a child, as a result of yesterday’s missile attack on Dnipro. There are also people who are still missing. Psychological assistance was provided to 27 people. 

The occupiers shelled Nikopol region, namely Pokrovsk community and the region’s center with artillery. They dropped ammunition on Nikopol. 2 private houses, 2 garages, 2 outbuildings were damaged, another one was destroyed, a greenhouse and a power line were hit. 

During the day, the enemy attacked Nikopol 15 times with kamikaze drones, dropped ammunition and fired from artillery. Nikopol, Pokrovsk and Myrove communities were under attack. A 54-year-old man was injured. Fires broke out in the fields; an enterprise, 3 trucks, 2 private houses, a greenhouse and solar panels were damaged. 5 private houses were damaged in the morning attacks on Nikopol.

Consequences of russian shelling. Photo: Mykola Lukashuk, Head of Dnipro Oblast Council

Vinnytsia oblast

Vinnytsia RMA reports that Ukrainian forces shot down several UAVs ​​over the territory of Vinnytsia oblast.

The traditional charity event of the field kitchen in memory of Taras Sych, a Vinnytsia resident who volunteered for the front in 2014 and served as a field cook and medic, was held in the Central Park named after M. Leontovych. He was killed near Debaltseve. The organizers will use the funds raised to support the Armed Forces and rehabilitate the military.

Kirovohrad oblast

The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that air defense was on alert over Kirovohrad oblast at night. 

Poltava oblast

Filip Pronin, Head of the RMA, reported that the Veteran Center was opened in Poltava community. The center is a space where military personnel, war veterans, their families and those of fallen defenders will find support on the path to reintegration. Specialists will help to create an individualized needs map, a step-by-step action plan and provide support throughout the entire period.

Cherkasy oblast

Ihor Taburets, Head of the RMA, reported that Ukrainian defenders shot down a Shaheed over Zvenyhorod region in Cherkasy oblast.

Latest news from the front of the southern regions of Ukraine

Zaporizhzhia oblast

Ivan Fedorov, Head of Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration, reports that on June 29, the russians attacked one of the critical infrastructure facilities in the oblast. There is damage, but no one was injured. 

Over the past day, the forces of the terrorist country carried out 314 strikes on 7 settlements of Zaporizhzhia oblast. 

The occupiers launched an airstrike on Novoandriivka. In addition, 141 UAVs of various modifications attacked Huliaipole, Novoandriivka, Robotyne, Mala Tokmachka, Levadne and Malynivka.

Eight MLRS attacks hit Novoandriivka, Mala Tokmachka and Robotyne. There were also 164 artillery attacks on Huliaipole, Novoandriivka, Verbove, Mala Tokmachka, Malynivka, Robotyne and Levadne.

Ivan Fedorov, Head of Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration, reports that local authorities received 4 reports of destruction of housing. But civilians were not injured. 

The International Atomic Energy Agency reports that a radiation monitoring station near Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) was destroyed as a result of shelling and fire. This has further reduced the ability to detect and measure emissions during emergencies. The loss of this plant will not affect the safety of the NPP itself, but will affect security measures during the war against Ukraine. 

Berdiansk priests of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Ivan Levytskyi and Bohdan Heleta, were released from russian captivity. russian troops abducted the priests on November 16, 2022, accusing them of concealing weapons and subversive activities in the temple. The issue of their release has been repeatedly raised at various levels. Pope Francis, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Ukrainian and international human rights activists joined the process.

Ivan Fedorov, Head of Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration, reports that in Zaporizhzhia oblast, the largest transfer of cars to the military took place. 60 powerful pickup trucks were prepared for 20 military units in Zaporizhzhia oblast.

Mykolaiv oblast

At 03:30am, Kutsurub community was under enemy artillery fire. There were no casualties.

Vitaliy Kim, Head of Mykolaiv Regional Military Administration, adds that on the night of 29 June, air defense forces destroyed one Shahed 131/136 UAV.

The mayor of Mykolaiv says that from Mykolaiv community, one hundred drones purchased by the city were handed over to the soldiers of the 54th Brigade.The drones were tested in the field and received positive feedback from the military. 

Odesa oblast

Rolf Holmbo, Head of the European Union Advisory Mission for the Reform of the Civilian Security Sector of Ukraine (EUAM in Ukraine), visited Odesa. Safety at sea and on land, protection of port infrastructure, improvement of the transport system – these and other issues were discussed by Oleh Kiper with the guest from the European Union. 

The Energy Support Fund of Ukraine purchased a power transformer worth about 1.3 million euros. The purchase was financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection. This equipment will benefit more than 65,000 residents of the historical part of Odesa, including visitors to kindergartens, hospitals and educational institutions. The new transformer will improve the capacity of heat and hot water supply, which are critical to meet the daily needs of the residents.

Andriy Ryzhenko, Captain of the 1st rank of the reserve, former Deputy Chief of Staff of the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, says that Ukrainian ports of Odesa, Chornomorsk and Pivdennyi continue to function at the fullest, ensuring the supply of food and other goods abroad. New ferry crossings between Ukraine, Turkey and Georgia are also being opened, using the coastal route. The volume of goods transported by the Danube, which now significantly exceeds pre-war figures, is also increasing. 

Kherson oblast

Over the past day, in the southern sector of the front (Kherson and Zaporizhzhia oblasts), soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine eliminated 86 russian occupiers and 33 units of their equipment and weapons. These include a Grad multiple rocket launcher, ten guns, a mortar, twelve armoured vehicles and vehicles, four reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles, an electronic warfare station and four motor boats. 

On 29 June, at about 5:40am, the russian military once again attacked Beryslav with an unmanned aerial vehicle. As a result of the dropping of explosives on one of the streets, a local resident was killed.

On 28 June, the occupying forces shelled Tomyna Balka. As a result, a 67-year-old man was injured. The russian army also attacked Novodmytrivka of Bilozerka community in Kherson oblast with a drone. As a result of the dropping of explosives, 2 people were injured.

On the morning of  29 June, the russian army shelled the village of Naddniprianske, injuring three people.

On 28 June, 13 fires broke out in Kherson oblast due to the shelling by the russian military. According to rescuers, 5 residential buildings and 10 auxiliary buildings caught fire in Kherson and the region. Specialists of the State Emergency Service extinguished 10 fires in open areas. The total extinguishing area was 34.5 hectares. Of these, 3 are wheat fields with an area of 24 hectares

Latest news for today in the western regions of Ukraine

Volyn oblast

Lutsk City Council reports that the community sent a DJI Mavic 3 Fly More Combo quadcopter, a DJI Mavic 3 quadcopter, a DJI Mavic 3 Thermal quadcopter, 10 RAPTOR 8 UAVs with a day camera, 5 RAPTOR 8 UAVs with a thermal imaging camera, a diesel generator Scheppach and single-phase stabiliser Eleks Hertz U 16-1-40 v3.0 5.5 kW to the military.

Zakarpattia oblast

The Regional Council held a meeting with a delegation from the Czech region of Vysochyna, led by hetman Vitezslav Shrek. Support for the oblast was discussed.

Uzhgorod City Council held a meeting with Colonel Eero Kinnunen, Defense Attaché of the Embassy of the Republic of Estonia in Ukraine, Colonel Mykola Zhuravlev, representative of the operational command North, participants of the 5th International Allied Summit Hardened by War, Mykhailo Kvartalyov, representative of the Embassy of Estonia, Pavlo Fedaka, Head of Zakarpattia cultural and educational society Prosvita, and Victoriia Tarakhonych, Head of the Department of International Cooperation and Innovations.

Another group of evacuees from Kharkiv oblast arrived in the oblast. 17 IDPs were met at Mukachevo railway station, 3 of them children and transported to Rakhiv region. In total, in less than a month, 52 people from Kharkiv oblast were relocated to Zakarpattia oblast.

Ivano-Frankivsk oblast

The RMA held a meeting with Tetiana Sliuz, Head of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine. They discussed cooperation between the Treasury and state authorities, local self-government in ensuring the budgetary process and the vital activities of the oblast. In the conditions of martial law, financing of urgent expenses is carried out in compliance with the order of payments.

Ivano-Frankivsk City Council has allocated UAH 1.11m to pay compensation for damages caused by enemy shelling on 22 June. 

40 children, including those of fallen soldiers and defenders with disabilities as a result of the war, went on a vacation to Rybnik (Poland).

Lviv oblast

Natasha Pirc Musar, President of the Republic of Slovenia, arrived in Lviv oblast for the 1st time on a working visit. She laid flowers on the Field of Mars at the grave of an unknown Ukrainian soldier who was killed in the current russian-Ukrainian war.

A meeting with Finnish investors regarding the construction of a children’s rehabilitation centre was held in Lviv oblast. Foreign investors presented the concept of building the Nadiia rehabilitation centre for war-affected children.

Lviv City Council reports that Viktor Yushchenko, the 3rd President of Ukraine, met with Andrii Sadovyi, Lviv Mayor, and visited the UNBROKEN rehabilitation centre.

Nino Katamadze, Georgian jazz singer, ambassador of the UNBROKEN Center, performed on the terrace of the Center. She sang for patients of the rehabilitation centre and medics to support them.

Ivan Levitskyi and Bohdan Geleta, Redemptorist fathers, priests of the UGCC, who were taken prisoner in Berdiansk on 16 November, 2022, returned home. Both fathers began their monastic ministry with Lviv Province of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer of the UGCC. From 2015 to 2019, Father Ivan was the rector of the Church of the Holy Martyr Josaphat in Lviv. Priests were held captive for over a year and 7 months. 8 more civilians were returned.

Rivne oblast

Rivne oblast continues a free health promotion campaign. This time, almost 60 children went to the International Children’s Center Artek in Kyiv and Zakarpattia for a three-week vacation.

Ternopil oblast

Ternopil RMA sent 6 Mavic quadcopters to the military, which defends the borders of Ukraine on the eastern and southern borders, thanks to the regional budget.

Khmelnytskyi oblast

Khmelnytskyi City Council allocated UAH 1m for the Veteran’s Space. In addition, UAH 34m was allocated for building a shelter.

Khmelnytskyi City Council reports that 130 orphans and children of the community deprived of parental care will receive funds every month. Over 810 children have the status of victims of armed conflicts and hostilities.

Chernivtsi oblast

The RMA reported that Tereblechensk community has allocated over UAH 1m to the military in the 1st quarter of 2024.

26 primary medical centres of Chernivtsi oblast reserved 30 laptops worth over UAH 1,3m thanks to the special fund of the State Budget.

The Tactical Force 4.5.0 public organisation together with the youth and sports department of the RMA organises the national-patriotic military-sports event Shukhevich’s Trail. The event, timed to the birthday of Roman Shukhevich, will take place on 6 July, 2024.

International support of Ukraine in the russian-Ukrainian war (russia’s invasion of Ukraine)

Denys Shmyhal, Prime Minister of Ukraine, announced that Ukraine has already signed 20 security agreements, according to which it will receive annual support of $60bn over the next 4 years.

The IMF will allocate more than $2bn to Ukraine. The board of directors of the fund completed the fourth review of the extended financing program for Ukraine, deciding to allocate about $2.2bn to Ukraine, which will be used for budget support.

The European Union adopted sanctions against belarus. These sanctions are designed to mirror some of the restrictive measures against the russian federation and thus solve the problem of sanctions circumvention.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine, met with Sebastian Coe, President of World Athletics. Supporting Ukraine was discussed.

Rustem Umyerov, Minister of Defense of Ukraine, met with Hakan Fidan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey. They discussed further steps to strengthen the strategic partnership, security and defence.

Mykola Tochytskyi, Deputy Head of the Office of the President, met with the delegation of the National Security Bureau of Poland led by Lieutenant General Dariusz Lukowski, Deputy Head of the Bureau. They discussed the situation at the front, development of bilateral military-political cooperation and further support of Ukraine.

The Google translator added the Crimean Tatar language to the list of languages ​​available for translation.

Materials compiled by Tetiana Kliuchnyk-Horobets, Tetyana Pidgorna, Olena Reka, Yana Hushchyna, Tamara Moshkovska, Sofia Ratynska, Ioanna Kryvenko, Аnna Efremova, Albahachiieva Helena

Translated by Tetyana Pidgorna, Yana Hushchyna, Zhanna Anshukova, Litrovnyk Alla, Marharyta Koval, Tetiana Kurbatova

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